Be Patient! Wait Till You Perfectly Fill Those Shoes!

Enitan Kehinde
3 min readJul 28, 2019


I’m sure everyone has had that big shoe moment!

Growing up, our parents bought us, at some point, big shoes or even big clothes so we could grow into them.

A lot of us looked silly in them, others owned the look like they were born to wear baggy clothes and shoes.

Flashback to the other day, a friend of mine sent me the video below on instagram. It was uploaded by one of my favourite accounts on Instagram right now, @Goal.cast.

(P.s. They put up the most inspirational and life-altering content i’ve ever come across on social media (Yup! They’re that great!)).

Deshauna Barber on Goal.Cast

The video was a speech, former Miss USA 2016, Deshauna Barber was giving at the Virginia State University graduation ceremony.

And something struck me hard.

She said and I quote, “…many of us have goals we’re trying to achieve, but the person we are right now is not the person that we need to be when we cross the finish line to our dreams. So we must walk and pace ourselves on this journey to our goals because we haven’t grown enough in ourselves to fit the shoes that we need to achieve our aspirations.”

That hit home.

A lot of us, including me, are in such a hurry to make it big. To achieve our dreams, goals and aspirations that we don’t even take a “chill pill” to actually take it all in, learn, make mistakes, grow and become the person we need to be to achieve those milestones we’re hoping for.

I won’t even generalise, I personally am guilty of this. So much so that I give myself such a hard time and most times pinch myself to just chill and learn from my many pitfalls and even wins.

What are you doing on your journey that you should be doing differently?

How are you preparing yourself to fit the big shoes God has already moulded for you?

How do you want your story to pan out in the end?

We need to not only take our individual journeys seriously, but to also learn all the many lessons along the way that will prepare us for our impending success!

So yeah, like one of my favourite brand’s message at the moment goes … “Own Your Journey!”

Learn from the many pitfalls but also celebrate those small wins!





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