Yoruba Demonism: A Fad Or An Excuse?
Hi Guys!
I’m going to rush into this post a bit. I’m a bit angry so allow me! lol!
A friend of mine has been having issues with guys and their constant need for a “cuddle buddy” or an “in the moment chic” i.e. someone they don’t want to commit to but someone they can run to when they feel lonely or need that TLC (Tender Loving Care! lol!).
She’d been running into so many guys like that till she decided to give in to a guy who had always been a constant in her life. He had always been there and he was a great guy. He was perfect and they enjoyed each other’s company. They’d been seeing for some months till she found out he was vested in someone else. But that’s not even the catch … he’s getting married to yet another girl.
How ridiculous are guys?
They are awful.
I understand that a guy can have something to do with different girls and not be emotionally connected to them but that one girl they actually like.
But for you to play three girls at once.
Wa gba won wo penalty go throwing?
What nonsense?
I wouldn’t want to insult him but guys sometimes need to respect themselves.
Human beings in general, actually. Greed is a really bad look on a person.
Some guys even say; “… but other guys do it”.
Why do something everyone else is doing?
Don’t you have your own brain? Can’t you think for yourself?
If you ask me, I think it’s just an excuse for bad behaviour. And honestly girls shouldn’t condone such cause the same guys won’t find it funny if such is done to their sisters or girls close to them.
To all the yoruba demons out there, you need to start treating girls the way you’d want your daughters to be treated.
And to the girls out there giving room for such, aiding and abetting or even knowingly getting with guys in relationships or marriages, I hope you don’t meet such in your nearest future.
You need to be your brother’s keeper. Even the Bible says to love your neighbour as yourself.
Lots of Love!